
Stay updated on the latest news, events and life at St Paul’s with our news below. Mother Bernadette’s weekly news bulletin is available to parishioners using the button below.

Choral evensong

Choral Evensong next Sunday 23rd March at 5pm.

We are delighted to welcome Simon and the choir of which he is a member. Come along and experience this very special service and hear Simon sing with his choir.

Prayers around the cross

Prayers Around the Cross at 7pm starting this evening: Sunday 16th March.

Come along and experience this Taizé-like service. It will set you up spiritually and mentally for the week ahead.

Lent course

Lent Course (5 sessions) – next session, this Tuesday 18 March at 7pm on Zoom. This year we will be exploring and sharing what our Sunday Worship means to us. The sessions will offer us a deeper understanding appreciation and connection with what we do on a Sunday morning and beyond. Each session will be fun, informal and informative. We will be each other’s guide as we discover the beauty and richness of our experiences as we worship.

Journey with us through Lent & Holy Week

We have a variety of services and activities for you to be close to God this Lent.

Here is the link to our Lent page.


Don’t forget to bring your bells to ring at the Easter Vigil and on Easter day!

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